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Prizes proudly provided by Village Roadshow!

We are delighted to run our prize giveaway again during the 2024 Premier Invitational. Please see the prizes that are available for each of the following age groups:

U8 to U9 Boys, U10 to U12 Boys, U13 to U16 Boys, U10/11 to U12/13 Girls, U13/14 to U15/16 Girls

Category 1

We want to see the best goals (video – get your go pro and camera’s out) from the Premier Invitational. To enter you must upload a video to Facebook and use the #’s

#premierinvitational #PlayGoldCoast #pigoals

Winning Prize: Movie World Pass

Category 2

We want to see the best action shot (picture) from the Premier Invitational. To enter you must upload your photo to Facebook and use the #’s

#premierinvitational #PlayGoldCoast #piactionshot

Winning Prize: Wet and Wild Pass

Category 3

We want to see the best goal celebration (video) from the Premier Invitational. To enter you must upload a video to Facebook and use the #’s

#premierinvitational #PlayGoldCoast #pigoalcelebration

Winning Prize: Sea World Pass

Category 4

We want to see the best saves (video) from the Premier Invitational. To enter you must upload a video to Facebook and use the #’s

#premierinvitational #PlayGoldCoast #pibestsave

Winning Prize: Outback Spectacular

CATEGORY 1 - Best Goals

We want to see the best goals (video – get your go pro and camera’s out) from the Premier Invitational. To enter you must upload a video to Facebook and use the #’s

#premierinvitational #PlayGoldCoast #pigoals

Winning Prize: A Pass to Movie World

CATEGORY 2 - Best Action Shot

We want to see the best action shot (Picture) from the Premier Invitational. To enter you must upload your photo to Facebook and use the #’s

#premierinvitational #PlayGoldCoast #piactionshot

Winning Prize: A Pass to Wet and Wild

CATEGORY 3 - Best Goal Celebration

We want to see the best goal celebration (video) from the Premier Invitational. To enter you must upload a video to Facebook and use the #’s

#premierinvitational #PlayGoldCoast #pigoalcelebration

Winning Prize: Pass to Sea World

CATEGORY 4 - Best Save

We want to see the best saves (video) from the Premier Invitational. To enter you must upload a video to Facebook and use the #’s

#premierinvitational #PlayGoldCoast #pibestsave

Winning Prize: Pass to Outback Spectacular